Tracing And Tracking Malaysian Printmaking Exhibitions: 1960-2020
Historical records prove that printmaking was a medium of communication in various civilizations in Egypt, Japan, and Europe before it was elevated as one of the disciplines of painting. Penang was a popular location for this creative industry sector in the early stages. This study looks chronologically as much as possible at the organization of printmaking exhibitions in Malaysia from the 1960s until 2000. The activities organized by private art galleries play a significant role in the career of artists. The objective of this study is to chronologically document the organization of printmaking exhibitions by the National Art Gallery, private art galleries, and artist groups. Data collection methods through various gallery publication materials have been carried out to complete this study.
Keywords: Printmaking, Exhibition
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Muliyadi Mahamood. (2003, July). Seni Cetak Kontemporari Malaysia. Dewan
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Murallitharan M. (2002). Making Waves with Prints. New Straits Times, 18 May 2002. pg 3
Wan Omah Ahamed. (1975). Pamiran Grafik Anak Alam 1974. Dewan Sastera. Januari 1975.
Long Thien Shih. (1993). Original Print-Graphic Art. Communication in Graphic-
Printmaking, 27th April - 30th May 1993. Kuala Lumpur: Balai Seni Lukis Negara.
55 Years National Visual Arts Gallery. (2013). National Visual Arts Gallery

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