Ketingting Think: Inovasi Kreatif Permainan Tradisional
Ketingting Think: Creative Innovation of a Traditional Game
Pada era masa kini, telefon pintar dan permainan video menjadi keutamaan di kalangan generasi muda sebagai hiburan terkini dan pengisian masa lapang mereka. Namun, terdapat satu elemen yang telah lama hilang dalam permainan moden tersebut iaitu interaksi fizikal dan komunikasi yang biasanya terdapat dalam permainan tradisi. Salah satu permainan tradisi yang masih dikenali sehingga kini adalah permainan Ketingting. Permainan ini bukan sahaja menyeronokkan malah memberi manfaat dari segi perkembangan mental dan fizikal pemain. Oleh itu, satu rekaan inovasi permainan tradisi iaitu permainan Ketingting Think dicetuskan menjadikan permainan ini lebih unik dan kreatif. Gabungan bentuk dan warna yang menarik, permainan Ketingting Think dapat menarik minat anak muda masa kini. Berdasarkan kajian rintis yang telah dijalankan, 60% responden bersepakat bahawa inovasi ini menarik. Tambahan pula, 73.3% berpendapat permainan ini memerlukan strategi dan kreativiti untuk bermain disebabkan cara bermainnya yang unik. Selain itu, 76.7% bersetuju bahawa jika dimain secara berkumpulan, permainan ini dapat memupuk semangat kerja berpasukan dan kemahiran berkomunikasi di mana setiap ahli pasukan perlu berkomunikasi sesama mereka dan bekerjasama untuk menjadi pemenang.
Kata Kunci: Ketingting, Permainan Tradisi, Inovasi Permainan, Aktiviti Interaktif, Aktiviti Fizikal
In this era, smart phones and video games are the latest fads among the younger generation to preoccupy them with modern entertainment, distraction, and technology to pass their time. However, there is that one element that seems to be missing from most of those modern games – that physical and personal human interaction which usually incorporated in traditional games. The Ketingting game is one of the traditional games that still popular until now. It is a game that is not only entertaining but also beneficial for mental and physical development to the players. The Ketingting Think game is an innovation of the traditional game that is created to add vibrant colours and creativity to the game. With a new compelling shape and colours, Ketingting Think game can arouse curiosity and interest among the youngsters. Based on the pilot study, 60% of the respondents agreed that the Ketingting Think game is a fascinating innovated game. Moreover, 73.3% of the respondents expressed that this innovated game required a strategy and creativity to play due to its unique way of playing. Furthermore, 76.7% agreed that, if played in a group, the game able to promote teamwork and communication skill as in each member has to communicate with each other and team up to win the game.
Keywords: Ketingting, Traditional Game, Innovated Game, Interactive Activity, Physical Activity
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