Pengajaran Tarannum Dalam Kalangan Guru Pendidikan Islam Di Sekolah Rendah
Teaching Tarannum Among Islamic Education Teachers in Elementary Schools
ABSTRAKAl-Quran adalah keajaiban dari Allah SWT yang amat bernilai kepada manusia dari segi bahasa, sejarah, dan peradaban, serta nilai-nilai yang boleh diperoleh daripada kandungannya. Terdapat usaha berterusan yang dijalankan secara tidak formal melalui kelas pembelajaran tarannum yang dikendalikan oleh guru-guru pendidikan Islam. Justeru, tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengkaji amalan pengajaran ilmu tarannum dalam kalangan guru pendidikan Islam di sekolah rendah. Kajian kuantitatif ini menggunakan instrumen soal selidik dan melibatkan 62 orang guru-guru pendidikan Islam daripada 24 buah sekolah rendah di dalam Daerah Perak Tengah. Kajian ini menumpukan perhatian kepada amalan pengajaran ilmu tarannum berdasarkan model pengajaran yang dicadangkan oleh al-Qabisi. Tahap amalan pengajaran ilmu tarannum dalam kalangan guru pendidikan Islam di sekolah rendah pula dianalisa secara statistik deskriftif menggunakan skor min dan statistik inferensi varians (ANOVA). Secara keseluruhannya, dapatan menunjukkan bahawa amalan pengajaran ilmu tarannum dalam kalangan guru pendidikan Islam adalah pada tahap yang tinggi. Semua faktor amalan pengajaran ilmu tarannum dalam kalangan guru pendidikan Islam di sekolah rendah yang merangkumi matlamat pengajaran, objektif pengajaran, kaedah pengajaran, teknik pengajaran, alat bantu pengajaran dan penilaian pengajaran mencatatkan tahap yang tinggi. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan tahap amalan pengajaran ilmu tarannum dalam kalangan guru pendidikan Islam di sekolah rendah berdasarkan pengalaman mengajar. Kajian ini juga mengesahkan model amalan pengajaran al-Quran yang diperkenalkan oleh al-Qabisi sebagai asas kepada pengukuhan amalan pengajaran ilmu tarannum bagi guru-guru pendidikan Islam di sekolah rendah.
Kata Kunci: Al- Quran, Tarannum, Guru Pendidikan Islam, Sekolah Rendah, Pengalaman Mengajar, Al-Qabisi
The Quran is a miracle from Allah SWT that is very valuable to humans in terms of language, history, and civilization, as well as its values. There is an ongoing effort that is carried out informally through tarannum learning classes run by Islamic education teachers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the tarannum teaching practice among Islamic education teachers in primary schools. This quantitative study was conducted using a questionare and involving 62 Islamic education teachers from 24 primary schools in the Perak Tengah District. This study focuses on the practice of teaching tarannum knowledge based on the teaching model proposed by al-Qabisi. The level of teaching practice of tarannum among Islamic education teachers was analyzed using the mean score and variance inference statistics (ANOVA). Overall, the data analysis shows that the practice of teaching tarannum among Islamic education teachers is at a high level. All factors of the practice of teaching tarannum knowledge among Islamic education teachers in primary schools, which include teaching goals, teaching objectives, teaching methods, teaching techniques, teaching aids, and teaching evaluation, recorded a high level. The findings of the study also show that there is no significant difference in the level of teaching practice among Islamic education teachers in primary schools based on their teaching experience. This study also confirms the practice model of al-Quran teaching introduced by al-Qabisi as a basis for strengthening the practice of teaching tarannum knowledge for Islamic education teachers in primary schools.
Keywords: Al-Quran, Tarannum, Islamic Education Teacher, Elementary School, Teaching Experience, Al-Qabisi
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