A Mediamorphosis on The Book of Yaseen

  • Zamzami Almakki Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia


Most Indonesian Moslems would customarily hold a particular tahlilan ceremony for the deceased family member. Throughout the ceremony, it has been a common tradition to print out a handful amount of the book of Yaseen in order to pay an homage for the deceased. This customized book will be hand out to the guests of the ceremony on every 40th, 100th day of the deceased date. The book contains not only Surah Yaseen, but there are also tahlil recites, prayers and a complete worship arrangement guides with the picture of the deceased on the cover, the full name of the deceased and the list of their close family. As you might expect, on every deceased people, there is a considerable chance of stacking book of Yaseen on every houses. The main expectation of the host of the book of Yaseen is that the guests would read it and hoping it would bring a good merit to the referred deceased person. Hence, it is not meant to be piling and stacking for granted. Another issue would be piles of worn-out papers from the book, shed out from the binding because of the weather or bugs. Therefore, this research is aimed to answer: Is there a possibility of changing the printed version of the book of Yaseen into a digital one? What are the chances and the challenges so it could fulfill the existed media today? The mixed research method will be used to deliver this research with survey as the data collecting tool and proceed with observations and documents. The conclusion of this research is the mediamorphosis of the book of Yaseen is happening and is still going.

Deceased; Mediamorphosis; The book of Yaseen


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How to Cite
ALMAKKI, Zamzami. A Mediamorphosis on The Book of Yaseen. Idealogy Journal, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 85 - 88, apr. 2022. ISSN 2550-214X. Available at: <https://idealogyjournal.com/ojs/index.php/idealogy/article/view/330>. Date accessed: 26 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.24191/idealogy.v7i1.330.