Kronologi Representasi Wanita Dalam Catan di Malaysia: Dari 1930 Hingga 2020
Chronology of Representation of Women in Painting in Malaysia: From 1930 to 2020
Melalui figura wanita, pelbagai peranan, situasi, identiti budaya, aspek sosial dan ekonomi digambarkan selain mempersembahkan estetika yang dimiliki wanita. Keterlibatan wanita dalam pelbagai situasi dan karakter adalah penting bagi mengetahui ciri, tugas dan tanggungjawab mereka. Kajian ini memfokuskan kronologi secara umum penggunaan figura wanita dalam catan di Malaysia melalui kajian visual oleh pelukis terdahulu dan terkini. Melalui analisis ini, penggunaan figura wanita dalam catan tempatan dapat diketahui dan seterusnya menyumbang kepada proses pendokumentasian secara tersusun disamping mempelajari nilai budaya, jati diri dan khazanah negara.
Kata Kunci: Kronologi catan Malaysia, Representasi wanita, Catan, Seni
Through the figure of women, various roles, situations, cultural identities, social and economic aspects are depicted in addition to presenting the aesthetics of women. The involvement of women in various situations and characters is important to know their characteristics, duties and responsibilities. This study focuses on the general chronology of the use of female figures in painting in Malaysia through a visual study by previous and recent painters. Through this analysis, the use of female figures in local paintings can be known and further contribute to the documentation process in an organized manner in addition to learning cultural values, identity and national treasures.
Keywords: Chronology of Malaysian painting, Representation of women, Painting, Art
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