A Literature Discussion and Research Gap Identification on Role, Art Activity and Economy: A Relationship Between Artist, Gallery, and Buyer from The Islamic Perspective

  • Nur Adibah Nadiah Mohd Aripin School of Fine Art, College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak Branch, Seri Iskandar Campus, 32610, Perak, Malaysia
  • Ishak Ramli Islamic Research on Art, Design and Humanities (IRADAH) Research Interest Group, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Noor A’yunni Mohamad School of Fine Art, College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak Branch, Seri Iskandar Campus, 32610, Perak, Malaysia
  • Mohd Fawazie Arshad School of Fine Art, College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak Branch, Seri Iskandar Campus, 32610, Perak, Malaysia
  • Noor Enfendi Desa School of Fine Art, College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak Branch, Seri Iskandar Campus, 32610, Perak, Malaysia


Visual art is dynamically developed in Malaysia. The opening of many art galleries shows that people are more receptive to the visual arts as a part of their community. These collisions create the art sector as a career field. This phenomenon encouraged artists to exhibit their artworks in the gallery and economically increased the numbers of art collectors as buyers to support the art scene and build a new bridge of connection between artist, gallery, and buyer. There is interest growing yet little research in this area has been discovered. This research is to identify the relationship between the artist, gallery, and buyer which is related to the role, art activity involved, and economic factors based on the Islamic perspectives. These relations are common and have become the norm in the social environment of visual arts. Furthermore, the role, art activity involved, and economic factor between the relationship of the artist, gallery, and buyer are rarely been discussed. The gap identification will occur by using the qualitative method through observations on the content analysis. This research has the potential to extend the understanding of the relationship between the artist, gallery, and buyer from the Islamic perspective.

Keywords: Art, Gallery, Relationshi, Islamic, Perspectives 



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How to Cite
MOHD ARIPIN, Nur Adibah Nadiah et al. A Literature Discussion and Research Gap Identification on Role, Art Activity and Economy: A Relationship Between Artist, Gallery, and Buyer from The Islamic Perspective. Idealogy Journal, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, apr. 2023. ISSN 2550-214X. Available at: <http://idealogyjournal.com/ojs/index.php/idealogy/article/view/413>. Date accessed: 27 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.24191/idealogy.v8i1.413.

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