A Review Of Alternative Ways Malaysian Artists Approach Self-portraits Painting
Painting for presentation Self-portraits have been revolutionised on several occasions. To achieve different effects in their portrait painting, the artist experimented and manipulated various media. Portraits are commonly defined in art as a likeness of a person, particularly a face till shoulders, but there are other ways to define a portrait and a painting. There is a lack of comprehension and interpretation of the topic. As a result, the purpose of this research is to trace the history of the self-portrait. From the 1940s to the 2000s, reviews were written in the form of a year-by-year chronology, identifying the approach used by local painters. Conclusion: The shift in the art movement from naturalistic approaches to a variety of styles resulted in new interpretations and opportunities for artists to create exciting portrait paintings. The development of a new understanding of the term "portrait painting" resulted in new interpretations and suggestions for a new way of presenting self-portraits, contributing to an alternative and creative way of practising portrait painting for Muslim artists.
Keywords: Alternative, Self- Portraits painting, Approach, Malaysian Artist
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