The Politicization of Motion Graphics in Terrestrial News Programs
Metro TV broadcasts political news almost every day. Indeed, the Opening by Bumper (OBB), which is a combination of motion graphic design and illustrated music, has been inserted with a specific "message" describing the National Democratic Party (Nasdem). This conclusion is drawn from an observation of political representation on Metro TV's OBB Prime Time News program prior to the 2014 election. This study employs a qualitative descriptive methodology. It is a combination of text analysis (micro) and case studies (meso). Investigations has been conducted in the run-up to the 2014 General Election. However, this subject will remain relevant in the future setting of the general election. Suspicion of screen politicization will continue to exist, including through the movement graph, which lasts only 10-15 seconds. Hence, this report should be published to introduce graphic representations of text analysis approaches and a hybrid of two investigative methodologies spanning the micro and meso regions.
Keyword: graphic motion, television media, politics
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