The Effectiveness of Social Media Campaign Poster to Prevent Cyberbullying Among Teenagers in Malaysia Through Illustration

  • Syed Nor Azlee Sha Syed Hussein Faculty of Art & Design, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perak Branch, Seri Iskandar Campus, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, MALAYSIA
  • Ahmad Sofiyuddin Mohd Shuib Faculty of Art & Design, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perak Branch, Seri Iskandar Campus, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, MALAYSIA


This paper aims to discuss the effectiveness of social media campaign poster to prevent cyberbullying
among teenagers in Malaysia through illustration. The user of smartphone are increasing every year and
cyberbullying in Malaysia also increasing every year, mostly among teenagers. Every teenagers could
say that they need smartphone but without supervision from parents, it could bring the harness to their
children. Not only teenager need to prevent from cyberbullying, parents needs to play their part to stop
this cyberbullying. The researcher make a survey using qualitative method to identify how to let people,
especially teenager read the message in media social campaign poster through illustration. Besides that,
the field survey are very suitable for do the survey about cyberbullying among teenagers in the school
because this objective are focusing teenager than adult. The finding of this research will help to create
the message or awareness about how badly is cyberbullying among teenagers in social media poster
through illustration. The study will help to reduce the percentage of cyberbullying among
teenagers in Malaysia and it will help the society become healthy even in real life or in internet.
Keywords: poster; illustration; cyberbullying; social media


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How to Cite
SYED HUSSEIN, Syed Nor Azlee Sha; MOHD SHUIB, Ahmad Sofiyuddin. The Effectiveness of Social Media Campaign Poster to Prevent Cyberbullying Among Teenagers in Malaysia Through Illustration. Idealogy Journal, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 157-162, sep. 2018. ISSN 2550-214X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 mar. 2025. doi: