Pengalaman Pameran Muzium Islam Di Muzium Semasa: Satu Pengenalan
Islamic Museum’s Exhibition Experience: An Introduction
Museums are often associated as a place to store and display a treasure that is valuable to human civilization to be studied and appreciated. Thus, this article discusses the Islamic-museum institution and its experience. The study employs a qualitative research method by which the researchers looked at the importance of the museum concept according to the Islamic perspective and the role of selected museum institutions towards Muslims in present. The study found that the concept and application of Islamic museums are very important to be highlighted in the lives of Muslims even though there are a number of extremist Muslims who oppose it. This study has also revealed two experiences of Islamic museums practiced in the west and the Pahang State Museum Corporation. The experience is seen as significant in strengthening the current Islamic-museum institution.
Keywords: Exhibition, museum, Islam, west, contemporary
Muzium sering dikaitkan sebagai tempat menyimpan dan mempamerkan sesuatu khazanah yang bernilai terhadap tamadun manusia untuk dipelajari serta dihayati. Justeru, artikel ini membincangkan tentang institusi muzium Islam dan pengalamannya. Berpandukan metode kajian kualitatif sepenuhnya, para pengkaji melihat kepentingan konsep muzium menurut perspektif Islam dan peranan institusi muzium terpilih terhadap umat Islam semasa. Kajian mendapati konsep dan aplikasi muzium Islam amat penting diutarakan dalam kehidupan umat Islam walaupun terdapat sebilangan umat Islam berfahaman ekstrem yang menentangnya. Kajian ini juga telah mendedahkan dua pengalaman muzium Islam yang di amalkan di barat dan Perbadanan Muzium Negeri Pahang. Pengalaman tersebut dilihat begitu signifikan bagi memperkasakan institusi muzium Islam semasa.
Kata kunci: Pameran, muzium, Islam, barat, semasa
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