Kefahaman Pelajar Sekolah Agama Terpilih Di Selangor Terhadap Doktrin Syiah
Students’ Understanding of Shia Doctrine: A Study in Selected Religious School in Selangor
The emergence of the Shia began to look at Malaysia after the outbreak of the Iranian revolution in 1979. This led to the act of transmitting their knowledge and doctrine to the Malay-Muslim community. This issue can be observed with the rise of Shia Hawza in Malaysia where the state Islamic religious departments have made arrests, and the emergence of Shia graduates in Iran and other countries. Hence, this study aims to divulge the effects of Shiite preaching in Malaysia to the religious secondary school students in Selangor as well as their level of knowledge about Shia. This is a descriptive quantitative study using survey research through questionnaires with a purposive sample of 756 students participated from 9 boarding schools of SPM 2018. The results showed that 7 respondents befriend Shiite, 1 respondent was engaged with Shiite teachings, and a total of 107 respondents had never heard or involved with any briefing regarding Shia. Therefore, the efforts to create awareness among Muslim students about this Shia doctrine must be emphasized and gradual exposure to this issue should be enforced before they step into tertiary education; a more diverse and challenging place to them.
Keywords: Shia, Hawza, preaching, heresy, religious school
Kemunculan golongan Syiah mula kelihatan di Malaysia setelah tercetusnya revolusi Iran tahun 1979 menyebabkan ajaran mereka menular dalam masyarakat Melayu Islam. Ini dapat diperhatikan dengan kemunculan hauzah-hauzah Syiah Melayu di seluruh Malaysia, tangkapan-tangkapan pihak jabatan agama Islam negeri terhadap aktiviti penyebaran Syiah dan kemunculan para graduan Melayu daripada Iran dan lain-lain negara. Kajian ini bertujuan membongkar kesan pengaruh dakyah Syiah di Malaysia terhadap pelajar-pelajar sekolah agama menengah di Selangor serta tahap pengetahuan mereka terhadap ajaran ini. Kajian kuantitatif ini bersifat diskriptif menggunakan kaedah tinjauan (survey reseach) melalui instrumen soal selidik dan purposive sample kepada 756 pelajar-pelajar SPM tahun 2018 daripada 9 buah sekolah menengah asrama penuh. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa 7 responden mempunyai rakan berfahaman Syiah, 1 responden terlibat dengan ajaran Syiah, dan seramai 107 responden tidak pernah mendengar taklimat atau ceramah berkenaan dengan kesesatan Syiah. Justeru usaha menyedarkan masyarakat Islam dalam kalangan pelajar muslim tentang penyelewangan ajaran Syiah dan kesesatan mereka perlu ditekankan dan pendedahan secara berperingkat perlu dilaksanakan sebelum mereka melangkah ke alam universiti yang pastinya lebih terbuka dan mencabar.
Kata kunci: Syiah, hauzah, dakyah, ajaran sesat, sekolah agama
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