Fahaman Salafi Jihad Dan Ancamannya Dalam Masyarakat Malaysia Semasa: Satu Pengenalan
Salafi Understanding of Jihad and Its Threat in Current Malaysian Society: An Introduction
Institusi yang berasaskan Islam di Malaysia seperti Majlis Agama Islam Kelantan diasaskan oleh pihak British. Amalan umat Islam di Tanah Melayu sejak dahulu sememangnya telah meraikan budaya masyarakat. Namun begitu, elemen dan pengaruh Khawarij yang bertopengkan nama Salafi yang mengamalkan Islam secara ekstrem di beberapa negara luar, sedikit-sebanyak telah mencemar keharmonian Islam di Malaysia atas alasan mengembalikan umat kepada ajaran Islam yang sejati. Idealisme mensucikan umat Islam dipegang tanpa justifikasi ilmiah sehingga membenarkan langkah ekstrem terhadap semua yang tidak menerima ajaran mereka meskipun sesama kalangan umat Islam. Kelantangan mereka mula zahir sejak era 90an dan lama-kelamaan telah meresapkan pemahaman mereka di segenap lapisan masyarakat dan akhirnya mencemar nama Islam dan membawa kepada Islamofobia di Malaysia
Kata kunci: Ekstremisme, Salafi Jihad, Khawarij, Islamofobia
Islamic-based institutions in Malaysia such as the Kelantan Islamic Religious Council were founded by the British. The practice of Muslims in Malaya since long ago has indeed celebrated the culture of the community. Nevertheless, elements and influence of Khawarij under the guise of Salafi who practice Islam to the extreme in some foreign countries, have somewhat polluted the harmony of Islam in Malaysia on the grounds of returning the people to the true teachings of Islam. The idealism of purifying Muslims is held without scientific justification, thus justifying extreme measures against all those who do not accept their teachings, even among fellow Muslims. Their volume began to appear since the 90's and over time has permeated their understanding in all walks of life and eventually tarnished the name of Islam and led to Islamophobia in Malaysia
Keywords: Extremism, Salafi Jihad, Khawarij, Islamophobia
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