Unveiling Design Gaps: An Examination of Eid Envelope Design Elements in Malaysian Banks
Malaysia celebrates its diverse cultural heritage through various festive traditions, including exchanging money packets during significant occasions such as 'Hari Raya Aidilfitri', 'Angpow' for the Chinese, and 'Purple Packets' for Indians. This study investigates the design elements of Eid envelopes and their impact on consumer behaviours. Specifically, it explores whether these designs are exclusive to Eid or generic, reflecting broader corporate branding strategies. Understanding consumer preferences regarding Eid envelope design can inform banks on enhancing cultural relevance and consumer engagement. The research aims to contribute insights into cultural representation and community engagement in Malaysia's multicultural context. The study seeks to inform interventions promoting inclusive cultural practices and social cohesion across diverse communities by analysing design aesthetics, cultural symbolism, and consumer perceptions. Through this investigation, the study endeavours to bridge gaps between design, cultural identity, and consumer behaviours in Malaysia's dynamic socio-cultural landscape, fostering a deeper understanding of the role of design in shaping cultural narratives and promoting social cohesion.
Keywords: Money Packets, Angpow, Design Elements, Bank Malaysia
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