An Integration of 3D Design in Malaysia Digital Tourism

  • Nor Khalidah Binti Noor Hishamuddin College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kuala Selangor Branch, Puncak Alam Campus, Malaysia
  • Inda Murni Hairul Anuar College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kuala Selangor Branch, Puncak Alam Campus, Malaysia
  • Sharkawi Che Din College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kuala Selangor Branch, Puncak Alam Campus, Malaysia
  • Nur Aniza Mohd Lazim College of Creative Arts, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kuala Selangor Branch, Puncak Alam Campus, Malaysia


With multiple projects aimed at boosting visitor experiences and advertising the country as a top vacation destination, the usage of digital technology in the travel and tourism sectors has been expanding quickly in Malaysia. Bringing 3D design into digital tourism is one such attempt that offers an immersive and interactive style to highlight Malaysia's tourist attractions. Despite the advantages, 3D design is mostly used in popular tourist destinations and major cities in Malaysia for digital tourism. This study analyses the use of 3D design in Malaysian digital tourism and its potential to increase tourist numbers, particularly in less well-known countryside destinations. This study will find comparable themes and patterns regarding the application of 3D design in digital tourism in various Malaysian regions using a case study approach. The expected results of this research include improving traveler and tourist experiences, archiving 3D designs for use in future research, and inviting more travelers and tourists to Malaysia, which would boost the country's tourism benefits. 


Keywords: Tourism Malaysia, Malaysia Attractions, 3D Design, Digital Tourism. 


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How to Cite
BINTI NOOR HISHAMUDDIN, Nor Khalidah et al. An Integration of 3D Design in Malaysia Digital Tourism. Idealogy Journal, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1, apr. 2024. ISSN 2550-214X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025. doi: